Not really art, but in the absence of anything else i thought i'd share. My roomie got me a big fat crochet hook for Hanukkah, which inspired me to take all the leftover yarn that i've been accumulating and make a big afghan! i made it circular, just because i can.

Weird picture of me, but i'm there for scale. That's the thing behind me, folded in half over the couch.

It's a good size, but it's an odd shape. The nice thing about making a blanket in cold weather is that it keeps you warm while you're making it :)
I love the colors!
It's beaytifullll! And I like your Ursa Too.
Cool! I am just learning how to crochet. Do you find it easier to do things round? I still can't make an even square!
Sarah: Crocheting round on something like this is pretty easy, especially because i didn't have to count stitches. It doesn't really lay out as a flat circle, though; my yarn was really bulky and i was using a double crochet stitch. But it was such a casual project that it didn't really matter :)
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