Super thanks goes out to an anonymous commenter on my last post! My scanner totally works now! So this year i'm thankful for working technology, family, friends, my pukey cat and house-hold cleaners. Hope everyone in the US had a good Thanksgiving weekend! To everyone else, i hope the tail end of your November has been rockin'.
Oohh dear this is my life, just replace the cat with barfing and barking dogs most of the time. Cat does it too but not as often.
Gah, pets... love 'em but hate 'em at the same time.
Familliar... horribly familliar.. at least once a week from my kitty, Jarvis.. and all with that same wide-eyed, innocent expression.. "What?... wuzzn't me!" ;)
Oohh dear this is my life, just replace the cat with barfing and barking dogs most of the time. Cat does it too but not as often.
Gah, pets... love 'em but hate 'em at the same time.
Haha, awesome.
I'm part of everyone else!! November's been aight.
Familliar... horribly familliar.. at least once a week from my kitty, Jarvis.. and all with that same wide-eyed, innocent expression.. "What?... wuzzn't me!" ;)
amazing. so well illustrated.
Just read the post before this one... Aha, we gots the same scanner. Awesome.
been here, done this, and occaisionally stepped in that
Hehe, made me giggle.
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