Not wanting to spend too much, i set out for Ikea!

Ikea is a terrible place, especially when it's busy. Full of fast-moving little kids, slow-moving adults, and tons and tons of things that i have no use for but want anyway.
I didn't actually wind up getting anything, not even the shelves i'd come for. i found one set that i liked, but it was $60, and i figured if i was going to pay that much i might as well pay a little more and get something nice that's not made of particle board. I'm an adult now (so they tell me), and as such i think i deserve to surround myself with furniture that's not totally crappy.
So i won this round, Ikea! Perhaps someday we'll meet again on the field of battle, but it's not likely.
So funny!
A few weeks ago I brought home one of those pillows, all rolled up and stuffed in a bag. They're supposed to fluff to full size when you remove them, but when I laid my head on this one, it felt like there was no stuffing inside. The stupid thing is now collecting dust in my closet.
I'm sitting on a (solid wood) ikea chair, working at a (solid wood plus veneer top) ikea table, and having juice out of (solid glass) ikea glass. And in the corner is a solid cardboard ikea lounge seat! (made from the boxes that brought home the desk and chairs). (Moving to a new place and not having furniture is my excuse, but I totally hear you about the adult=no ikea thing.)
But, yeah, I'd never by bookshelves there. :P I'm gonna build my own.
oh, forgot to mention, two lamps in this room are from Ikea as well. :X But they're terribly functional and not that pretty.
Understand, my bedroom is two shelves, a desk, side-table, rug and betframe, ALL ikea.
Just here at work i have three lamps, a wall clock and a PLANT, also ikea.
It's just... time for a change :)
Oh man it is SO TRUE.
I laughed my ass off.
My ass is now on the floor, and I'm staring at it. I don't know what to do.
This is hilarious and made my day.
~ Random Internet Guy
You'll notice that they design Ikeas like they do casinos in Vegas: No windows, maze-like interior, no way to figure out how to escape the damned building. And Swedish meatballs near the exit.
you should try your luck at second hand furniture hunting my roomate and i got some pretty awesome furniture ( truly awesome not ironic awesome) for next to nothing, and it comes with an "awesome" story to tell people.
You arz brilliant. Also; IKEA is cool.
HAHAHA! This is hilarious and I know exactly what you mean!! Your drawings are so full of personality and spunk. I love it!!
I must admit, of all the particle board stuff in IKEA...the Swedish meatballs are the best!
I'd love to be able to take everyday things in life and turn them into comics like you do. But I never remember them when I finally get back to the sketchbook.
Your artwork inspires me! Awesome style.
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