Sunday, October 08, 2006

Look at her. She's got hands. Do YOU have hands?

May be the final design for the main character of my film this year. The film itself doesn't really have much to do with hands. The main characters will have hands, but it doesn't really come up much.

And here's some life drawing! It's art that i can make without thinking about it too much :)


Edward Juan said...

I think it looks pretty good! Still want me to draw you a version of the girl?

JeN said...

Nice characters and real nice life drawing. love your linework

Jesse Soto said...

Wow Lissa, you have really awesome draughtsmenship (I think that's how it's spelled). Your watercolors are also full o life, me keep an eye on your blog :P Good job.

Kelsey said...

Your art is fantastic. I love all the potential energy.

Unknown said...

oh God, I love your female Characters. Your sketches are very beautiful!

jewel said...

Une future Wendling!C'est trés sympas!