Thursday, May 18, 2006

A belated update as promised!
Some screenshots from my film, as seen in my recently-assembled portfolio.
My laptop is, for whatever damned reason, in the proverbial "shop" yet again, so updates will slow back to a crawl until i move back home for the summer.
in the meantime, distract yourself with this.


samacleod said...


justinpatrickparpan said...

Saw your film at the show the other week. I have to admit, the mood of the whole thing kind of got under my skin. So congrats on creeping me out. I can’t wait to see what you come up with next year!

Gregory Sesma said...

holy beans.... your stuff is fantastic

SantiagoVerdugo said...

Awsome compositions and very expresive drawings.

Veeeeery good!!!

I think you are already a professional!